How To Massively Shortcut Your Strategy Training And Make High-End Executive-Ready Strategy

Follow The Apprenticeship Model Of Observing A Seasoned Strategist Create Strategy From "Blank Canvas" To "Executive-Ready Deck" And Then Use The Same Methods To Create Your Own Ridiculously Good Strategy

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The Only Training System That Shows  You Exactly How To Create Strategy

I show you from the start to finish how to create strategy using a real world client engagement scenario to solve a tough business problem and develop a long term strategy and the set of strategic choices to deliver on our objectives.

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Here's What You Get With Behind The Strategy

I am including the finished strategy deck and design artefact with Behind The Strategy so you can use the assets for your own strategy.


Infinity Strategy Deck

The completed professional strategy deck for Infinity so you can use the assets in your own strategy creation.

Value: $1,997  FREE

Strategy Storyboard & Design

The design document for Infinity Strategy to complement the finished deck.

value: $197  FREE

Kick Off Your Strategy (With Style)

Finished kick-off deck for any new strategy and a video walkthrough on the steps to start a strategy the right way (and make a good first impression).

value:$297  FREE

Business Detective

Learn the exact steps to analyse business and research markets for a strategy. Master the analytical phase and get valuable insights.

value:$497  FREE

Alchemy Of Strategy (New)

Learn how to turn inputs and observations into strategic insights so you can create a ridiculously good strategy.

value:$597  FREE

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Discover the Model

Strategy Is A Craft

Crafts are best learned in an apprenticeship model.

And it’s this model that gave me the idea to create Behind The Strategy... you can follow the exact logic flow as I deconstruct the concept, design the story and pages, and then build out the strategy.

In Behind The Strategy I discuss the reasons for each design decision.

I even talk about valid alternatives and the one I will be using for that scenario.

Every step of the way, I talk about what I’m doing and why I’m doing it that way.

This is so you get to internalise the the methods used to create strategy and incorporate it within your own style of making strategy.

It’s the same way I learned and got good at strategy.

I watched seasoned strategists and then internalised the methods I liked to develop my own unique style. It’s also the way Behind The Strategy is intended to be consumed.

So you can take the best bits you like and make your own strategy.


Set Up For Behind The Strategy

So let me set the background context for the strategy we will be making.

There is a fast growing, internet company called Infinity which has been experiencing strong growth in recent years but we are seeing changes taking in the place in the market that requires us to think about the long term strategic choices of our business.

I start at the point where we’ve done all the discussions and workshops with Infinity’s leadership and now it’s time to sit down and write business and product strategy that I will submit to the CEO and the leadership team.

In Behind the Strategy I use the following flow:

Concept > story structure > strategy building blocks > storyboard > page design > page build out in powerpoint

I build an entire strategy in front of you and I talk through the logic behind the story structure, for each page and even each component of each page.

Now I decided to break it down at this level so I can fully discuss the logic behind the page and its design decisions rather than go straight to the strategy page build out.

This means the program is accessible to anyone on the strategy journey, from beginner to advanced.

If you are a beginner, then you can follow my exact structure and style while you find your own style.

If you are intermediate, then you can use my design methods and narrative structure to create similar strategic stories for your niche.

If you are advanced, then you can take the parts you find most useful and internalise those into your own strategies.

Either way, you walk away seeing how to create a professional strategy deck so you can do the same in your niche and create your own ridiculously good strategy.


What Do I Get In Behind The Strategy?

This is what you get when you go through the 6+ hours of design and build-out content.

In the process of learning how to create a business and product strategy you will develop useful skills beyond anything else out there:

>You will become an exceptional, template free strategist (you know how to think, not what to think).

>You will be able to create a similar strategy with confidence and know (not guess) that your strategy is valuable for businesses.

>You will be able to fix gaps in strategies and understand what is missing (because you know what a high-end, professional level strategy looks like)

>You will be able to create a strategic story structure to guide the creation of your next strategy

>You will know how to apply visual interest in your strategy and where to emphasise for maximum effect depending on where you are on the arc of the strategic narrative.

You see how a high end strategy gets made so you can make one yourself to influence leaders to take action.

By doing that you become an authority and thought leader in your niche.

Who's this guy, AGAIN?

Hi there, I'm Shehraz

I'm Shehraz Ishak, an independent strategy consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. I create designs and strategies for businesses that want to solve a big problem, execute a transformation or grow customers and profits.

OK OK, I know what you are thinking.

We've been through this before, we know who you are!

You send out all those Overnight Strategist Letters.

But just in case, here's the quick RECAP 😀

I've architected platform strategy to digitise the entire sales and service experience for a suite of products. I've designed monetisation strategy to unlock value from existing assets and create big $ for companies. I've created growth strategies that re-energise brands and turn its customer and sales trajectory to 'way up'.

I've spent over 17+ years getting good at this game, and want to pass down my knowledge, skills, and experience to you.

Behind The Strategy is designed to give you hands-on practical skills so you can make your own good strategy.

You will have the choice on how you structure an idea and crystallise your vision without being dependent on other people’s advice and skills to help you design and make a strategy.


Here's Everything You Get In Behind The Strategy

This is unlike anything you have seen before because this is a practical training on how to actually make a strategy, and not theory based like most courses.

Behind The Strategy is a 6+ hours course where you see me design and create a 15 page high-end strategy deck which we need to submit to the CEO and leadership team.

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Set The Foundation

Here we set up the strategy build out and discuss the story structure and the component parts of that story. We talk about the specific concepts and methods we will be using for this particular strategy. We also introduce the 5 part strategic narrative structure.


Describe The Situation

We start the strategic narrative with the Situation. Here we want to describe the facts for Infinity and bring everyone up to speed and on the same page or the same baseline.


Move To The Complication

Here we move into the tension part of the story. We want to describe the obstacles and challenges the company is facing that is preventing it from building the future it wants.


Visualise The Future State

Here we paint a picture of our ambition. This is the solution that we have designed to tackle the challenge and articulate the next big move for the company.


Create The Strategy

Now we begin to dive into the detail of how to deliver on the ambition. This includes the specific strategy choices we need to make as a company. Then, we unpack each strategic choice to demonstrate the key steps required to get from point A to point B.


Build The Execution Plan

This shows us the path or the sequencing of the strategic imperatives and gives us a an idea of the build up or the stepping stones to the desired end state. We also describe the enabler capabilities required to make our strategy a success.


Get Ready To Hit Publish

Here we tie a bow around the strategy and get it ready for submission to executives. We prepare our short form strategy (executive summary).


Ready To Get Behind The Strategy?

Behind The Strategy is available for $897 for the 7 module video course, finished strategy deck and storyboard design guide. New updates are designed to show each phase of a professional strategy including workshop breakdowns, point-of-view email series and team-wide distribution deck.

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Sneak Preview

Here is a sneak peek at the design and build-out videos for the creation of the strategy. You can see snippets from various modules of Behind The Strategy.

During the "design" I talk about how to visualise concepts for our strategic narrative and in the "build-out" you get to see how I actually create the strategy pages describing the specific steps for each component of the page.

Watch The Video For The Sneak Peek Of Behind The Strategy...

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You can also try out Behind The Strategy risk free for 30 days.

You can watch the entire course. Download all the template and resources. Use the assets and techniques you learn in your own strategy.

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Or you don’t think Behind The Strategy made you get better with strategy.

Shoot me an email on and I’ll give you your money back.

That’s how confident I am about Behind The Strategy and how it will speed up your strategy training by showing you exactly how to make a professional strategy.

Click the link and lock in your success.

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